Thursday, April 22, 2010

Rip Rap by Gary Snyder

this poem remind me the red wheelbarrow a little with ending 'all change, in thoughts, As well as things.' he trying to let readers to think about the poem that he wrote. also his beginning of poem starts with an idea of how we will change our minds after we read his poem and trying to gather people attention which is good way to do i guess. 'Lay down these words. Before your mind like rocks.placed solid, by hands.'


  1. The connection to William's is interesting,since following the trail of the imagery,in both poems,leads us from the immediate and present to the universal and, in Snyder, pre-historical/geological and back; here, time and space ambiguous and rapidly shifting betwneen the immediate presence of "things" and deep space as well as deep geological time; the value of the aesthetic, the creative leaps of mind/imagination, crucial in both poems. The study sheets and exercises, as well as my comments on other blogs on other Snyder poems, will give you a lot to go on, here, as well

  2. Trace the image patterns, the repetition and variation/transformation of key images (think swirl),the great leaps between lines & stanzas...
