Friday, April 16, 2010


The Howl is different style of a poems that we have seen so far. The begining of poem is very powerful it starts with 'I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness' The rest of the section is a detailed description of these people specifically, who they were and what they did. it also reminds me of the one of the documentary 'zeitgeist' that i watched. its like trying the awake the people. first asks the question 'who' than 'what' and he questions what have been destroyed.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, the poem certainly tries to wake us up through its image justapositions--consider the image "hydrogen jukebox," how that brings two very different worlds/realities into contact--"jukebox" a stand-in (metonomy the more appropriate term) for a contemporary, un-critically conscious youth culture, and "hydrogen" the destructive, underlying reality of the military-industrial order...jukebox of course represents the pop-cultural evasion of these disturbing realities...

    You might try analyzing other image juxtapositions in this way...
